Monday, April 20, 2009

A humble NBA star?

Anyone who watched the Bulls-Celtics overtime game on Saturday may have seen the interview of Derrick Rose after the game. If you did and had not seen him interviewed prior to this, you may have been a bit surprised. His answers were very "yes ma'am" and "no, ma'am." When asked if he realized that with 36 points (to go with double digit assists) he tied the record for most points by a rookie in his playoff debut, Rose simply looked towards the ground and replied with something to the effect of "no I was not aware." His answers were very team centric and he geniunely appears embarassed by the attention. This is very similar to interviews he has been conducting throughout the season.

It is likely to early to know for sure how successful of a career will be had by Rose. He certainly has the potential to be a star, but the league is filled with potential, never realized. He also could become a player who develops an attitude if he continues to get better. However, today, Derrick Rose appears to be an incredible rarity - a budding NBA star who would rather play than talk.

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