It all started with an innocent premise. CB40 though a little recognition might be good for morale. It might give those who have contributed a reason to smile. Let them know that their hard work has been seen and appreciated by their peers. So we set up the first annual Smusings Awards, sponsored by www.originalsportsmusings.blogspot.com. Using the wonders of the world wide web, we established a site that contained a number of poll questions, including best thread, rookie of they year and Smuser of the year. The link went out and everyone was invited to vote. It all seemed so simple. It all seemed so pure.
But tragedy has struck. We have now received more votes than there are eligible voters. The only realistic conclusion to be drawn is that some Smusers are attempting to manipulate the results. As you read this, more votes are likely being cast. The sacred principles of democracy, that one man may cast one vote, and that all votes are counted equally, have been called into question by the actions of one or more miscreants who seem bent on shattering the faith of the Smusers in our world and our blog. Who would do this?
The prime suspsect is obvious. He casts a constant shadow over our blog, threatening to pull it from the web at any time. Perhaps he believes that becoming Smuser of the year will give him a mandate to destroy the blog. Perhaps it's just his evil nature. Or perhaps...
It's not him. It's not the one you would expect. It's someone else. Someone who normally wouldn't show that kind of blatant disrespect for the readers or his peers. It's someone who directly benefits from the extra votes.
The Hat directly benefits from those extra votes. And votes have been cast for me over and above what should have been the total number of voters. To those casting these extra votes I say this - stop. Please do not cast a vote if you have already voted. It's not right and it's not fair. I appreciate your support, but I implore you, please, respect the process.
But that does leave a question - Is someone manipulating the voting for his own gain? The Hat has uncovered evidence that someone is in fact manipulating the voting for personal gain. 2 someones in fact. Perhaps the 2 with the most to gain of anyone. You know who you are. Rather than publish your names now, I grant you this opportunity to stop your nefarious ways and quit manipulating this vote. Do so and all is forgiven. Do not and you will be exposed here on the blog for all to see.