Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get to Know Your Musers

In an effort to better equip you with the ability to praise and ridicule the Sports Musers, we will run a reoccurring segment to be know as "get to know you musers." There is one basic rule for the musers. They must answer all of the questions below, but they may answer them however they choose.

The first victim, er volunteer is Josh Fenderman. Look for his post coming soon in which he will answer the following questions:

Who are your favorite teams college and pro? Who is your one favorite sports team above all others and why?

Who are the five women on your Celebrity Exemption list?

What's the worst thing you ever said to a woman?

What is your favorite sports moment? Most heartbreaking?

What team would you purposely wish harm upon because you hate them beyond all rational thinking?

What is your favorite movie quote?

If Sports Musing Readers take away just one piece of knowledge from you, what do you want that to be?

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