Pic: This man is in. Are you?
Since that announcement there has been a flurry of activity in support of OSM. Mostly from The Hat...mostly. But that is not enough. More support is needed along with the ever important Twitter feed that no one will use. Will you Help?
I know this burden sounds great but the effort is minimal in exchange. For as little as 5 minutes a day you can read this blog, post comments, and and make its contributors extremely rich. All you have to do is agree to be in.
Only here can you learn about the most devastating pitch in baseball, the cutter. Maybe you too can save 500 games in the majors with just one pitch. You have to read to find out. No matter the subject, if there is anything you want to read about you can find it here at OSM...when it eventually gets written. Do you have a favorite blogger? Well, you can find all of The Hat's blogs at OSM which will soon be syndicated at http://www.originalsportsmusings.blogspot.com/.
For those that agree to be in your support will be rewarded. You can keep the fish or go for what is in the box. The choice is yours my friends. I suggest the box.
Thanks for the support,